Health, Safety and Environment


Our Department of Occupational Health and Safety Directorate:

Occupational Health and Safety program will play a significant role in reducing work related injuries, diseases and fatalities through pro-active, preventative strategies and policies aimed at protecting and enhancing the rights of workers to a safe, healthy work environment. An Occupational Health and Safety program which is characterized by rising skills, diversity, equity and respect for all employees who will strive to facilitate the protection and enhancement of employee rights.


Our Values of Occupational Health and Safety include:

Occupational Health and Safety program act on the understanding that our clients are the sole reason for our existence and we will discharge our duties in such a way to show our respect for all peoples/employees, efficient, effective services that are accountable to our clients at all time. Our occupational Health and Safety program has the following Objectives in its’ business plan Self-regulating policy in the public business. Raise Occupational Health and Safety awareness in the public sector. Gearing and optimizing resource Enhancing the capacity of Occupational Health and Safety Staff through Training Marketing, Communications, Systems, Information Technology, Statistics and Research.